Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The Big Second Book Summary And Giveaway!

So here we are, I have actually managed to make a second book in my life and my first fiction. That it's an official novelisation of a pretty beloved cult film is just a hell of a bonus!

But what's it about?

There are a few intertwining narratives, some of which would be spoiler-heavy so here are the two main ones:

Detective Rick Wilson is a suspended cop spiralling down into the depths of depression and drug addiction, both a cause and effect of his suspension, but is  begrudgingly brought the opportunity for his name to be whitewashed and badge reinstated if he can track down a serial killer before the night is through. This serial killer, labelled The Scalper for his fixation of scalping his victims, has been picking off the ladies of the night for a while but now he has upped his game and stirring up a media frenzy in the process.

Meanwhile a pimp, Martin, has been suffering insomnia brought about by the hazy dreams of how the Scalper took his sister's life, mistaking her for one of his mistresses. Her death has hung over his head and his conscience ever since, and he has to get out of the game, all the while doing his best to not let his own girls suffer in the process. But getting out is never easy.

So the tone is very much a sleazy detective thriller very much akin to the 80s style, and was really fun to write for. Having read through my own copy without my editing cap on and simply as a reader, I can say I am definitely proud of the quality of the writing and possibly set it as a gold standard to maintain in any future endevours.

Is it connected to my work with #GetYourBellyOut and CCUK at all?

Not directly no. There are of course references in the book to such conditions as it is such a huge part of my life right now, but certainly more references and titbits rather than anything quite as indepth as From The Inside Out. However that is not to say I am completely disassociating myself with it; as well as thank you donations to the group for having made this possible, the hopes is that this book's success will allow for greater distribution of Inside and help get a bigger publisher interested for a next one.

How can I get it?

Midnight Heat can be found on Amazons across the world for £6.99 in UK, $9.99 US and similar prices in all other countries. However there is also one other way...

The Free Giveaway!! 

Thanks to the website goodreads.com my book is currently up for a giveaway of a free copy of my book. And all you have to do is follow the link and click enter to win and you'll .... be entered to win. If you don't have an account it is easy to setup just using your facebook as verification and takes less than a minute!  The giveaway is here 

So that's the sum of it all really. A big thank you to everyone who has helped get me this far and shown such amazing support over this year, and hopefully I can continue to live the dream and do my bit for a group that means so much!

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